bchain vote

Pandacoin Voting

Count updated every 15m
Last Update: July 30th 2020, 5:02 pm UTC
Please cast your Vote by simply sending some Pandacoin to either the Yes or No Pandacoin address provided

Should we start offering our blockchain snapshot service / Installers to help other cryptocurrency projects?
Vote Yes: PH2yXLrs6wXFxy2grnAaC59Phq4VH1AP9J
Vote No: PRpucv2nzrro5FJY3rQqiuEhtK7jd8kfJf
Received Address Transaction HASH Amount Sent
PH2yXLrs6wXFxy2grnAaC59Phq4VH1AP9J d57cd454abb80e426606c49669e418f6296615605b27bdbbc919ac314a47007b 100 PND
PRpucv2nzrro5FJY3rQqiuEhtK7jd8kfJf 68d8b6a396e38fb5f1884bb967495fdf3c0db044a9bdf15127ed035751dc4c1c 1 PND
PH2yXLrs6wXFxy2grnAaC59Phq4VH1AP9J Votes Yes: 1
Total PND 100
Total Votes: 2
PRpucv2nzrro5FJY3rQqiuEhtK7jd8kfJf Votes No: 1
Total PND 1
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